Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) today announced, as an addition to the H8S Series of top-end 16-bit
microcomputers, the H8S/2646F and H8S/2636F F-ZTAT*1 microcomputers featuring an on-
chip controller area network (CAN*2: an in-vehicle LAN standard) interface, plus 128-kbyte
on-chip flash memory. Sample shipments will begin in December 1999 in Japan.
The current trend in the industrial equipment control field, including automotive and FA
products, is from conventional serial communication to fast and highly reliable CAN systems.
At the same time, to shorten product development times, there is a growing demand for
microcomputers with on-chip flash memory that allows easy modification of control
programs and data.
Hitachi has previously released the H8S/2623F 16-bit microcomputer with on-chip flash
memory for automotive equipment applications. The H8S Series offers improvements in
terms of performance and low power consumption characteristics over the H8 Series, with its
original Hitachi architecture, and within this series the H8S/2600 Series includes a high-
performance CPU core.
To further strengthen the product lineup for automotive equipment applications, Hitachi has
now responded to market demand with the development of the H8S/2646F and H8S/2636F,
incorporating the peripheral functions necessary for vehicle dashboard meter control in a
single chip, including a CAN interface and a motor control PWM*3 timer.
Employing a 0.35 um CMOS process and including an on-chip Hitachi controller area
network (HCAN*4), these two new products enable fast and highly reliable communication to
be achieved. In addition, their large capacity 128-kbyte on-chip flash memory allows erasing
and programming to be carried out in large and small block units (ten blocks in all),
simplifying the programming of adjustment data when systems are shipped.
In contrast to the conventional dual-power-supply system, with 5 V for the I/O ports and 3 V
for the core circuit, these new products are able to operate on a single 5 V power supply
through the use of a built-in step-down circuit. The use of a stepped-down power supply for
the core circuit results in lower power consumption and lower noise.
A variety of peripheral functions for dashboard meter control, including a motor control
PWM timer, are also provided on-chip. The H8S/2646F also has an on-chip LCD
controller/driver for mileage and similar LCD displays, enabling fast and accurate meter
indications to be provided by a single chip. The H8S/2636F is equipped with a two-channel
CAN interface, allowing high-speed and low-speed CAN bus control, and interface control
for information exchange between the two.
Other peripheral functions include a DTC*5 enabling interrupt-driven DMA*6 transfer, serial
communication interface,16-bit timers, watch-dog timers, 10-bit A/D converters. Used
package of H8S/2646F is 144-pin plastic QFP and H8S/2636F is 128-pin plastic QFP.
Notes: 1. F-ZTAT (Flexible Zero Turn-Around Time) is a trademark of Hitachi, Ltd.
2. CAN(Controller Area Network): Network specification for an in-vehicle
formulated by Robert Bosch Gmbh.
3. PWM: Pulse Width Modulation
4. HCAN (Hitachi Controller Area Network): Complies with the Bosch CAN
Ver. 2.0B active specification. Features full CAN support and a 16-message
5. DTC (Data Transfer Controller): The DTC is started by an interrupt, and can
perform data transfer instead of the CPU. Transfer information is located in on-
chip RAM, enabling a greater number of channels to be used.
6.DMA (Direct Memory Access): Data transfer between memory and I/O that does
not involve the CPU.
[Development Environment]
The existing H8 Series C compiler, assembler, linkage editor, librarian, simulators, debuggers,
etc., can be used as the user software development environment on widely used personal
computers and workstations. In addition, a variety of emulators, including the E6000 realtime
simulator, are available as hardware support tools.
< Typical Applications >
Automotive: Dashboard, gateways, navigation systems, audio systems
Industrial: FA, NC, device networks, vending machines
< Prices in Japan > (For Reference Only)
Product Code Package Sample Price (Yen)
H8S/2646F HD64F2646FC QFP-144 2,500
H8S/2636F HD64F2636F QFP-128 2,500