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Report Guide

Report Editorial Policy

Basic Concept

The Hitachi Sustainability Report 2024 presents our stance on sustainability management, social innovation business, and ESG (environment, society, and governance), as well as initiatives conducted in fiscal 2023 (including initiatives addressing materialities).
This report is intended as an engagement tool for all stakeholders to disclose information in accordance with international guidelines, including the disclosure requirements of the GRI Standards and the industry disclosure standards relevant to Hitachi as defined by the Sustainable Industry Classification System (SICS) of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Our information disclosures related to climate change are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Starting with the Sustainability Report 2024, we have decided to publish the Sustainability Report in HTML format on our website for effective and timely information disclosure. Additionally, for the convenience of stakeholders, we convert the HTML content into PDF format. We hope you benefit from either of these formats.

Report Overview

Period This report mainly covers fiscal 2023 (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024)
Note: Some information on activities in April 2024 and after is also included.
Companies Hitachi, Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries
Reporting Boundary

Financial data : 943 companies, namely Hitachi, Ltd. and 942 consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method associates and joint ventures

Environmental data : 574 companies, namely Hitachi, Ltd. and 573 consolidated subsidiaries.
Data covers Category A business sites*1 which have large environmental loads. Some data covers sites in Categories A, B, and C (excluding non-manufacturing sites for category C), and this is indicated in the notes for each section. Other data related information is provided in the notes to each section.

Social and governance data : Boundary of individual data indicated

Reporting Cycle Publishes every year as an annual report
Publication Date September 2024 (Previous report: September 2023)

*1All group business sites are classified as A, B, or C (A: Major environmental risk, B: Medium environmental risk, C: Minor environmental risk) based on the Criteria for Classification of Environmental Management established by Hitachi. We engage in the most suitable management for each location in accordance with the respective level of environmental risk.

About Subject Notation

Hitachi, Ltd.: Only refers to Hitachi, Ltd. (non-consolidated)
Hitachi: Refers to the Hitachi Group including Hitachi, Ltd.

Key Guidelines

Our Reporting Universe

Hitachi publishes three corporate reports: the Integrated Report, the Sustainability Report, and the Annual Securities Report. We define each report’s roles by content (from quantitative information to Value Creation Strategy) and time horizon (from results to the mid- to long-term perspective).
In particular, the Integrated Report and the Sustainability Report, which are released on the same day, can be read together to confirm ESG initiative progress and data in addition to management strategies. We also invite you to visit our websites for additional information.

Our Reporting Universe

figure : Our Reporting Universe

Independent Assurance

To enhance the credibility of the disclosed sustainability data, the Hitachi Sustainability Report 2024 (Posted in PDF format on the website at the end of September 2024) received third-party assurance for environmental, social, and governance performance indicators by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 and 3410. The indicators that were assured are marked with a .
