While HIRT strives to provide security information that is as current and accurate as possible, all information on this website is subject to change without notice or obligation, due to the constantly changing information security environment. When you use information from this website, we recommend you check it is the most recent information available.
Information about the products of other companies on this website is provided by the respective companies or on the basis of the best information publicly available at the time. Hitachi intends to maintain the accuracy and integrity of this information, however, all information about other companies' products on this website is subject to change without notice or obligation, due to changes that can be made by the companies regarding their products.
The sole purpose of this website is to provide information about security issues related to Hitachi group IT products. Hitachi makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied as to any matter including, but not limited to, warranty of consequences caused by use of the information.