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Job Management Partner 1

Integrated Operations Management JP1
JP1 is integrated system operations management software that helps you manage various operations, that resolves and reduces problems customers have, and that improves the customers' experience.


Cosminexus has evolved into a cloud service platform that enables the visualization of a cloud computing environment. Cosminexus visualizes the usage of IT resources and services from a business viewpoint, contributing to the optimization of IT investment and to improved business value.

HiRDB is a Japanese RDBMS (relational database management system) based on a "never-stop" design concept and exclusively developed by Hitachi. Since the mainframe era, Hitachi has been creating databases and other forms of IT infrastructure that support many social and enterprise systems. HiRDB, which evolved in open systems environment, is a database that inherits high-reliability technology and know-how cultivated in the mainframe fields. It has a proven track record of deployment, particularly in mission-critical fields.

Hitachi Advanced Database
Hitachi Advanced Database is a high-speed RDBMS from Hitachi that focuses on the aggregation and analysis of massive amounts of data.
Hitachi Advanced Database provides an ultra-fast search feature leveraging the out-of-order database execution method, which makes the most out of server and storage capabilities. This RDBMS also enables users to combine storage formats appropriate for the characteristics of the data and import data quickly without negatively affecting the aggregation and analysis.