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Hideaki KOIZUMI, Ph.D.

Hideaki KOIZUMI, Ph.D.

Emeritus Fellow,
Hitachi, Ltd.


Hideaki KOIZUMI, Ph.D. was appointed as a Fellow of Hitachi in 2004, and to his current position as Emeritus Fellow in April 2017.
Koizumi received his B.Sc. from the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tokyo in June 1971, and subsequently joined the Department of Optical Instruments at Naka Works of Hitachi, Ltd. In 1976, he received a doctoral degree in physics from the University of Tokyo for his work on the development of the polarized Zeeman atomic absorption (PZAA) spectrometry, which was also nominated as one of the 50 most significant patents at the centennial of the foundation of the Japanese patent system in 1985. This technology was commercialized by Naka Works, and over 9,000 systems based on this principle have been shipped to 25 countries since 1976.

In 1976, as a Guest Staff member at the National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce, he worked on the certification of standard reference materials (SRMs) using the PZAA method. From 1977-78, as a Guest Research Physicist (faculty) at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory of the University of California, he worked on the development of a new method called "tunable atomic line molecular spectrometry" (TALMS). After returning to Japan, he was appointed leader of Hitachi's MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imager) development project, which developed super-conducting magnets (SCM) generating field strengths from 0.5-2 T, shipped Japan's first SCM-MRI product and also successfully filed an application on one of the basic patents for MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) principle in 1986. After establishing the fundamentals of the MRI business in the Hitachi Group, he was appointed a Chief Scientist of the Medical Electronics Research Department of the Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd. ('HCRL') in August 1992, where he lead a research team on higher-order brain function imaging, which published many papers, including Japan's first paper on functional MRI (fMRI) in 1992, and the world's first paper on near-infrared spectroscopic imaging (NIRSI, a.k.a. Optical Topography ) in 1995. From 1999-2001, he served as the General Manager of the Advanced Research Laboratory of Hitachi, Ltd. before returning to head research on brain function imaging as Senior Chief Scientist. In 2003, he was appointed Senior Chief Scientist - Corporate Technology, Hitachi, Ltd. In 2004, he was appointed Hitachi Fellow, and in April 2017, to his current position of Hitachi Honorary Fellow.

Aside from his work at Hitachi and many government/ semi-government organizations, Koizumi has lectured at many Japanese universities including the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST) of the University of Tokyo; the School of Medicine and the Research Institute for Electronic Science of Hokkaido University; Ochanomizu University; Osaka University School of Engineering, and several faculties of the University of Tokyo. Overseas, he has given invited lectures at Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, University of Pennsylvania, Mayo Medical School, Texas A&M University, University of British Columbia, University of Western Ontario, University of Cambridge, University of London, Paris University, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Lund University, Swedish Royal Academy, University of Copenhagen, Warsaw University and Silesian University of Technology. Koizumi is also serving as board director or committee member of many professional societies and association.

Koizumi is also recognized worldwide as an early proponent and major advocate of the new transdisciplinary field of Mind-Brain Science, proposing such novel concepts as "Brain-Science and Education," "Trans-disciplinarity (TD)," "Material's History." His work has been recognized through many honors including an audience with the late Pope John Paul II in 2003 following an invited presentation at the 400th Anniversary of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) at the Vatican; election as Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (2012); Honorable Member of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (2012); Japan Spectroscopical Society Award (2010); Membership of the Engineering Academy of Japan (2009); Membership of the Science Council of Japan (2008); Fellow of the Chemical Society of Japan (2008); the (Japanese) National Commendation for Invention - Patent Promotion for the 21st Century Prize (2004); Nikkei BP Technology Awards - Grand Prize; the 50th Okochi Memorial Grand Technology Prize (2004); the R&D 100 Award (2002); the Okochi Memorial Technology Prize (2000, 1997); The National Invention Awards - Prize of the Minister of State for Science & Technology (1983); IR-100 Award (1978), and a Commendation by the Minister of State for Science & Technology - Person of scientific and technological research merit (1976).

"Koizumi's work has contributed to over 594 patent applications. He currently holds 117 patents (56 in Japan and 61 overseas). He has published over 150 papers and has authored/co-authored/edited over 20 books.
(last updated October 2012 by H. Koizumi)"

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Research interests

  • Mind-Brain Science and Education
  • Measurement of the Brain and Mental Activity
  • Measurement of Chemicals in the Environment
  • Systemization of Integrated Science

Major publications (by topic)

Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (PZAA)

  1. Koizumi, H. (1994). "Analytical science as a new paradigm of analytical chemistry." J Seizon and Life Sci, 5, 393-407.
  2. Scott, D.R., Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1982). "High-resolution study of the rR (K."=3) structure of the 3390-A formaldehyde band." J Mol Spectrosc, 92, 272-275 (1982).
  3. Hadeishi, T., Koizumi, H., McLaughlin, R.D. and Millaud, J.E. (1982), "Tunable atomic line molecular (TALMS) spectrometer." Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 37(6), 501-509.
  4. Koizumi, H., Sawakabu, H. and Koga, M. (1982). "Correction for double valued calibration curves in Zeeman effect atomic absorption spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry, 54(7), 1029-1032.
  5. Koizumi, H., Oishi, K. and Yasuda, K. (1982), "Inverse Zeeman scanning for the measurement of emission line profile in far ultraviolet region." Applied Physics Letters, 40(2), 122-123.
  6. Koizumi, H., Yamada, H., Yasuda, K., Uchino, K., and Oishi, K. (1981). "Polarized Zeeman effect atomic absorption spectrophotometry using a flame atomizer." Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 36(7), 603-614.
  7. Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1981). "A new technique for the determination of SO2 by a Zeeman shifted atomic line." Spectrochimica Acta, 36, 483-485.
  8. Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1980). "Nitric oxide determination by Zeeman- tuned frequency-modulated atomic line source." Analytical Chemistry, 52(3), 500-504.
  9. Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1979). "Detection of small molecules by magnetically tuned frequency modulated atomic line sources." Applied Physics Letters, 34 (6), 382-384.
  10. Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1979). "A new technique for the determination of isotopic species by using Zeeman scanning of an atomic line." Applied Physics Letters, 34 (4), 277-279.
  11. Koizumi, H., McLaughlin, R.D. and Hadeishi, T. (1979). "High gas temperature furnace for species determination of organo-metallic compounds with HPLC-ZAA system." Analytical Chemistry, 51(3), 387-392.
  12. Koizumi, H., Hadeishi, T. and McLaughlin, R.D. (1978). "Speciation of organometallic compounds by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry with liquid chromatography." Analytical Chemistry, 50(12), 1700-1701.
  13. Koizumi, H. (1978). "Correction of spectral overlap interference by Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry, 50(8), 1101-1105.
  14. Koizumi, H. and Katayama M. (1977). "Observation of crossing effect in emission spectra from a copper lamp." Physics Letters A, 64(3), 285-286.
    (Also introduced in RESEARCH NEWS by Maugh, T.H. 2nd (1977). "The Zeeman Effect : A Unique Approach to Atomic Absorption." Science (New York, NY), 198 (4312), 39-41.)
  15. Koizumi, H. and Katayama, M. (1977). "Line crossing observation in 2537 a line from mercury lamp." Physics Letters A, 63(3), 233-234.
  16. Koizumi, H., Yasuda, K. and Katayama, M. (1977). "Atomic absorption spectrophotometry based on polarization characteristic of the Zeeman effect." Analytical Chemistry, 49(8), 1106.
  17. Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, K., (1976). "Determination of lead, cadmium and zinc using the Zeeman effect in atomic absorption spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry, 48(8), 1178-1182.
  18. Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, K. (1976). "An application of the Zeeman effect to atomic absorption spectrometry: a new method for background correction." Atomic Spectroscopy, 31(5), 237-255.
  19. Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, K. (1976). "A novel method for atomic absorption spectroscopy based on the analyte-Zeeman effect." Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 31(10), 523-535.
  20. Fukuzawa, T., Ebara, N., Katayama, M. and Koizumi, H. (1975). "The mechanism of amine sensitization of the emission of tris (dibenzoylmethano) europium (III)." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 48(12), 3460-3463.
  21. Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, K. (1975). "New Zeeman method for atomic spectro-photometry." Analytical Chemistry, 47(9), 1679-1682.
  22. Koizumi, H. and Yasuda, K. (1974). A new method of atomic absorption spectrophotometry using the Zeeman effect." J Spectrosc Soc Japan, 23, 290-298.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Equipment

  1. Zang, L.H., Wilbrink, J., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1993). "Correction of translation motion artifacts in multi-slice spin echo- imaging using self-calibration." Magn. Reson. Med., 29, 327-334.
  2. Takane, A., Tsuda, M., Koizumi, H., Koyama, S. and Yoshida, T. (1993). "Simultaneous imaging of MR angiography image and brain surface image with steady state free precession." Radiology, 189(P), SPACE 584PH.
  3. Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1992). "MR imaging of brain surface using steady-state free precession." Mgn. Reson. Med., 25, 344-348.
  4. Wilbrink, J., Zang, L.H., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1992). "Motion correction in MR imaging by self-calibration." Radiology, 181(P), SPACE 10-040.
  5. Sano, K., Kato, C., Koizumi, H., Koyama, S. and Nishimura, H. (1992). "Fast spin echo imaging using blipped phase encoding." 11th SMRM, 4502.
  6. Zang, L.H., Wilbrink, J., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1992). "In-plane correction for multi-slice spin echo imaging by self-calibration and post-processing." 11th SMRM, 4239.
  7. Zang, L.H., Wilbrink, J., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1992). "Motion detection in magnetic resonance angiography." 11th SMRM, 2805.
  8. Wilbrink, J., Zang, L.H., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H. (1992). "Automated motion artifact reduction with partial-Fourier image reconstruction." 11th SMRM, 664.
  9. Wilbrink, J., Zang, L.H., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H., "Motion correction by self-calibration for fast spin echo." 11th SMRM, 481 (1992).
  10. Zang, L.H., Wilbrink, J., Fielden, J., Takane, A. and Koizumi, H., "Correction of translational motion artifacts in multi-slice spin echo imaging using self-calibration." 10th SMRM, 1230 (1991).
  11. Koizumi, H. (1991). "From Zeeman Atomic Absorption to Magnetic Resonance Imaging - An approach towards analytical science." Analytical Sciences, 7, 565-570.
  12. Takane, A., Tsuda, M. and Koizumi, H. (1991). "Simultaneous bright and black three-dimensional angiography with steady-state free precession imaging." Radiology, 181(P), SPACE 900.
  13. Sano, K., Yokoyama, T., Koizumi, H., Miki, H., Takeda, S. and Sadamoto, K. (1990). "3-dimensional MR angiography using a new rendering technique." 9th SMRM, 500.
  14. Miki, H., Niida, A., Sadamoto, K., Hamamoto, K., Sano, K., Yokoyama, T. and Koizumi, H. (1990). "0.5-T three-dimensional MR angiography of cerebral aneurysms." Radiology, 177(P), SPACE 267.
  15. Miki, H., Niida, A., Sadamoto, K., Hamamoto, K., Sano, K. and Koizumi, H. (1990). "0.5 Tesla three-dimensional MR angiography of cerebral aneurysms." 9th SMRM, 709.
  16. Sano, K., Hayakawa K, Yokoyama, T., Koizumi, H., Miki, H., Takeda, S. and Sadamoto, K., (1989). "Improved three-dimensional MR angiography at 0.5 T." Radiology, 173(P), SPACE 518.
  17. Sano, K., Yokoyama, T. and Koizumi, H. (1989). "A gast 3-D reconstruction technique." 8th SMRM, 1170.
  18. Koizumi, H., Takeda, R., Takane, A., Miyamaoto, Y., Sano, K., Yokoyama, T., Miki, H. and Sadamoto, K. (1989). "High definition angiography using 0.5 T novel MRI system." in The First International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance Angiography, L'Aquila, Italy.
  19. Sano, K., Yokoyama, T., Suzuki, K., Koizumi, H., Miki, H., Takeda, S. and Sadamoto, K. (1988). "Enhanced rephrasing technique for MR Angiography." Radiology, 169(P), SPACE 910.
  20. Sano, K., Yokoyama, T., Sato, S. and Koizumi, H. (1988). "A method of analytic phase correction in magnetic resonance imaging and its application to blood flow imaging, systems and computers in Japan." Systems and Computers in Japan, 19, 74-84 (1988) (The original Japanese version was published in 1986).
  21. Sano, K., Suzuki, K., Yokoyama, T. and Koizumi, H. (1987). "Image reconstruction from half of data using a phase map." 6th SMRM, 809.
  22. Sano, K., Yokoyama, T., Koizumi, H., Miki, H., Fukui, K. and Sadamoto, K. (1987). "Flow enhanced MR imaging by ECG trigger optimization." Radiology, 165(P), 92.
  23. Sano, K., Suzuki, K., Yokoyama, T. and Koizumi, H. (1987). "A technique of reducing fast-scan imaging time." Radiology, 165(P), 1100.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (f-MRI)

  1. Sekihara, K. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Detecting cortical activities from fMRI time-course data using the MUSIC algorithm with forward and backward covariance averaging." J Magn Reson Med, 35, 807-813.
  2. Konishi, S., Yoneyama, R., Itagaki, H., Uchida, I., Nakajima, K., Kato, H., Okajima, K., Koizumi, H. and Miyashita, Y. (1996). "Transient brain activity used in magnetic resonance imaging to detect functional areas." Neuroreport, 8, 19-23.
  3. Onodera, Y., Itagaki, H., Sakai, K., Watanabe, E., Miyashita, Y., Yamamoto, E. and Koizumi, H., (1995). "Somatotopical mapping of the human somatosensory cortex with ultra-fast MRI." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 52-53, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  4. Koizumi, H., Yamamoto, E., Sekihara, K., Sakairi, M., Kawaguchi, F. and Yokoyama, T. (1995). "Higher-order brain function analysis from the viewpoint of methodology." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 13-18, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  5. Sakai, K., Watanabe, E., Onodera, Y., Uchida, I., Kato, H., Yamamoto, E., Koizumi, H. and Miyashita, Y. (1995). "Functional mapping of the human colour centre with echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging." Proc R Soc Lond B, 261, 89-98.
  6. Sakai, K., Watanabe, E., Onodera, Y., Itagaki, H., Yamamoto, E., Koizumi, H. and Miyashita, Y. (1995). "Functional mapping of the human somatosensory cortex with echo-planar MRI." Magn Reson Med, 33, 736-743.
  7. Watanabe, E., Sakai, K., Onodera, Y., Itagaki, H., Yamamoto, E., Mayanagi, Y. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Functional MRI and its usage in neurosurgical navigation." J Comput Aided Surg, 1, 60-63.
  8. Yamamoto, E., Onodera, Y., Itagaki, H., Sakai, K., Watanabe, E., Koizumi, H. and Miyashita, Y. (1994). "Determination of topographic maps of human somatosensory cortex with echo-planar MR imaging." Radiology, 100 years progress, SPACE 818NR.
  9. Sekihara, K., Takeuchi, F., Kuriki, S. and Koizumi, H. (1994). "Reduction of brain noise influence in evoked neuromagnetic source localization using noise spatial correction." Phys. Med. Biol., 39, 937-946.
  10. Takahashi, T., Takiguchi, K., Itagaki, H., Onodera, Y., Yamamoto, E., and Koizumi, H. (1993). "Real time imaging of brain activation during imagination of finger tasks." 12th SMRM, 1415.

Mass Spectrometry

  1. Hirabayashi, Y., Takada, Y., Hirabayashi, A., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Direct coupling of semi-micro liquid chromatography and sonic spray ionization mass spectrometry for pesticide analysis." Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 10, 1891-1893.
  2. Hirabayashi, Y., Hirabayashi, A., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Multiply-charged ion formation by sonic spray." Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 10, 1703-1705.
  3. Hirabayashi, A., Sakairi, M., Takada, Y. and Koizumi, H., (1996). "Recent Progress in Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Trends in Anal. Chem., 16, 45-52.
  4. Ozaki, H., Itou, N., Terabe, S., Takada, Y., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Micellar electrokinetic chromatography-mass spectrometry using a high-molecular-mass surfactant on-line coupling with an electrospray ionization interface." J. Chromatogr., A716, 69-79.
  5. Takada, Y., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "On-line combination of micellar electrokinetic chromatography and mass spectrometry using an electrospray-chemical ionization interface." Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 9, 488-490.
  6. Takada, Y., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization interface for capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry." Anal. Chem., 67, 1474-1476.
  7. Takada, Y., Yoshida, M., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Detection of γ-Aminobutyric Acid in a living rat brain using in vivo microdialysis-capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry." Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 9, 895-896.
  8. Hirabayashi, A., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Sonic spray mass spectrometry." Anal.Chem., 67, 2878-2882.
  9. Hirabayashi, A., Sakairi, M. and Koizumi, H. (1994). "Sonic spray ionization method for atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry." Anal. Chem., 66, 4557-4559.

Near infrared spectroscopy (Optical Topography)

  1. Funane, T., Kiguchi, M., Atsumori, H., Sato, H., Kubota, K. and Koizumi, H. (2011). "Synchronous activity of two people's prefrontal cortices during a cooperative task measured by simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16 (7), 077011-077011.
  2. Sato, H., Obata, A.N., Moda, I., Ozaki, K., Yasuhara, T., Yamamoto, Y., Kiguchi, M., Maki, A., Kubota, K. and Koizumi, H. (2011). "Application of near-infrared spectroscopy to measurement of hymodynamic signals accompanying stimulated salaiva secretion." J Biomed Opt, 16(4), 047002.
  3. Aoki, R., Katsura, T., Utsugi, K., Koizumi, H., Matsuda, R., and Maki, A. (2011). "Relationship of negative mood with prefrontal cortex activity during working memory tasks: an optical topography study." Neuroscience Research,70(2), 189-96.
  4. Sato, H., Aoki, R., Katura, T., Matsuda, R., Koizumi, H. (2011). "Correlation of within-individual fluctuation of depressed mood with prefrontal cortex activity during verbal sorking memory task: optical topography study." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 16(12), 126007.
  5. Aoki, R., Funane, T. and Koizumi, H. (2010). "Brain Science of Ethics: Present Status and the Future." Journal of Mind, Brain, and Education, 4(4), 188-195.
  6. Atsumori, H., Kiguchi, M., Katura, T., Funane, T., Obata, A., Sato, H. Manaka, T., Iwamoto, M., Maki, A., Koizumi, H. and Kubota, K. (2010). ""Noninvasive imaging of prefrontal activation during attention-demanding tasks performed while walking using a wearable optical topography system."" Journal of biomedical optics 15(4), 046002-046008
  7. Suda, M., Morimoto, K., Obata, A., Koizumi, H., Maki, A. (2008). "Cortical responses to Mozart's sonata enhance spatial-reasoning ability." Neurol Res, 30 (9), 885-8.
  8. Suda, M., Morimoto, K., Obata, A., Koizumi, H., Maki, A. (2008). "Emotional responses to music: towards scientific perspectives on music therapy." Neuroreport, 19(1), 75-8.
  9. Utsugi, K., Obata, A., Sato, H., Katura, T., Sagara, K., Maki., A., Koizumi, H. (2007). "Development of an optical brain-machine interface." Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 5338-41.
  10. Koizumi, H. (2007). "Present and the future of brain imaging in Mind, Brain and Education." in Application of Brain-function imaging to the realm of education (Koizumi, H., Ed.), Inaugural Conference of International Mind, Brain and Education Society.
  11. Kiguchi, M., Ichikawa, N., Atsumori, H., Kawaguchi, F., Sato, H., Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (2007). "Comparison of light intensity on the brain surface due to laser exposure during Optical topography and solar irradiation." Journal of biomedical optics, 12 (6), 062108-062108.
  12. Sato, H., Kiguchi, M., Maki, A., Fuchino, Y., Obata, A., Yoro, T. and Koizumi, H. (2006). "Within-subject reproducibility of near-infrared spectroscopy signals in sensorimotor activation after 6 months." J Biomed Opt 11, 014021 (2006).
  13. Fuchino, Y., Sato, H., Maki, A., Yamamoto, Y., Katura, T., Obata, A., Koizumi, H. and Yoro, T. (2006). "Effect of fMRI acoustic noise on sensorimotor activation examined using optical topography." Neuroimage, 32, 771-777.
  14. Sato, H., Fuchino, Y., Kiguchi, M., Katura, T., Maki, A., Yoro, T. and Koizumi, H. (2005). "Intersubject variability of near-infrared spectroscopy signals during sensorimotor cortex activation." J Biomed Opt 10, 44001.
  15. Obata, A., Morimoto, K., Sato, H., Takeshita, T., Kawaguchi, H., Koizumi, H. and Maki, A. (2005). "Effects of alcohol on hemodynamic and cardiovascular reaction in different genotypes." Psychiatry Res, 139, 65-72.
  16. Koizumi, H., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Sato, H., Yamamoto, Y. and Kawaguchi, H. (2005). "Non-invasive brain-function imaging by optical topography." TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 24(2), 147-156.
  17. Tsujimoto, S., Yamamoto, T., Kawaguchi, H., Koizumi, H., and Sawaguchi, T. (2004). "Prefrontal cortical activation associated with working memory in adults and preschool children: an event-related optical topography study." Cereb Cortex, 14, 703-712.
  18. Koizumi, H. (2004). "The concept of ‘developing the brain': a new natural science for learning and education." Brain Development, 26(7), 434-441.
  19. Yamamoto, T., Okada, E., Kawaguchi, F., Maki, A., Yamada, Y. and Koizumi, H. (2003). "Optical fiber arrangement of optical topography for spatial resolution improvement" in Biomedical Optics 2003, 487-496, International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  20. Taga, G., Asakawa, K., Maki, A., Konishi, Y., Koizumi, H. (2003). Brain imaging in awake infants by near-infrared optical topography, Proc Natl Acad Sci, 100 (19), 10722-10727.
  21. Pena, M, Maki, A., Kovacic, D., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Koizumi, H., Bouquet, F. and Mehler, J. (2003). "Sounds and silence: an optical topography study of language recognition at birth." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(20), 11702-11705.
  22. Obata, A., Morimoto, K., Sato, H., Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (2003). "Acute effects of alcohol on hemodynamic changes during visual stimulation assessed using 24-channel near-infrared spectroscopy." Psychiatry Res, 123(2), 145-152.
  23. Koizumi, H., Yamamoto, T., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Sato, H., Kawaguchi, H. and Ichikawa, N., "Optical topography: practical problems and new applications." Appl Opt, 42, 3054-3062 (2003).
  24. Kennan, R.P., Horovitz, S.G., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H. and Gore, J.C. (2002). "Simultaneous recording of event-related auditory oddball response using transcranial near infrared optical topography and surface EEG." Neuroimage, 16, 587-592.
  25. Kennan, R.P., Kim, D., Maki, A., Koizumi, H. and Constable, R.T. (2002). "Non-invasive assessment of language lateralization by transcranial near infrared optical topography and functional MRI." Hum Brain Mapp, 16, 183-189.
  26. Yamamoto, T., Maki, A., Kadoya, T., Tanikawa, Y., Yamada, Y., Okada, E. and Koizumi, H. (2002). "Arranging optical fibers for the spatial resolution improvement of topographical images." Phys Med Biol, 47, 3429-3440.
  27. Kato, H., Izumiyama, M., Koizumi, H., Takahashi, A. and Itoyama, Y. (2002). "Near-infrared spectroscopic topography as a tool to monitor motor reorganization after hemispheric stroke: a comparison with functional MRI." Stroke, 33, 2032-2036.
  28. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (2001). "Wavelength dependence of the precision of noninvasive optical measurement of oxy-, deoxy-, and total-hemoglobin concentration." Med Phys, 28, 1108-1114.
  29. Yamamoto, T., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Tanikawa Y, Yamada Y, Koizumi, H. (2001). "Noninvasive brain function measurement system: optical topography." Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 4250, 339-350.
  30. Igawa, M., Atsumi, Y., Takahashi, K., Shiotsuka, S., Hirasawa, H., Yamamoto, R., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y. and Koizumi, H. (2001). "Activation of visual cortex in REM sleep measured by 24-channel NIRS imaging." Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 55(3), 187-188.
  31. Kogure K, Izumiyama, M., Kogure, T., Maki, A., Itagaki H, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto, T. and Koizumi, H. (2001). "Functional plasticity of the brain after ischemic injury assessed by near infrared topography." in Maturation Phenomenon in Cerebral Ischemia IV (Bazan, N.G. et al., eds.) pp.103-110, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  32. Kato, H., Izumiyama, M., Shiga, Y., Saito, N., Koizumi, H., Takahashi, A. and Itoyama, Y. (2001). "Hand motor cortical area reorganization following cerebral infarction evaluated with functional MRI, near infrared spectroscopic imaging, and trans-cranial magnetic stimulation." No To Shinkei, 53, 869-874 (in Japanese).
  33. Maki, A., Pena, M., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Kawaguchi, F., Fujiwara, M., Ichikawa, N., Koizumi, H. and Mehler, J. (2000). "Measurement of infant language function by using optical topography." Nou-no-kagaku, 22.
  34. Watanabe, E., Maki, A., Kawaguchi, F., Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H. and Mayanagi, Y. (2000). "Noninvasive cerebral blood volume measurement during seizures using multichannel near infrared spectroscopic topography." J Biomed Opt , 5, 287-290.
  35. Takahashi, K., Ogata, S., Atsumi, Y., Yamamoto, R., Shiotsuka, S., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Yamamoto, T., Koizumi, H., Hirasawa, H. and Igawa, M. (2000). "Activation of the visual cortex imaged by 24-channel near-infrared spectroscopy." J Biomed Opt 5, 93-96.
  36. Taga, G., Konishi, Y., Maki, A., Tachibana, T., Fujiwara, M. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Spontaneous oscillation of oxy- and deoxy- hemoglobin changes with a phase difference throughout the occipital cortex of newborn infants observed using non-invasive optical topography." Neurosci Lett, 282, 101-104.
  37. Ito, Y., Kennan, R.P., Watanabe, E. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Assessment of heating effects in skin during continuous wave near infrared Spectroscopy." J Biomed Opt, 5, 383-390.
  38. Kato, T., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Ichikawa, N. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Temporal dissociation of phonological loop after language spoken." in The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 145-148, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  39. Kennan, R., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Ito, Y., Yamamoto, T. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Frequency response of auditory stimulus monitored by optical topography." in The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 138-140, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  40. Yoshizawa, H., Yamashita, Y., Yamamoto, T., Maki, A., Koizumi, H., Watanabe, E. and Iwata, M. (2000). "Non-invasive imaging of language function by optical topography." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 131-133, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  41. Konishi, Y., Taga, G., Takaya, R., Maki, A., Tachibana, T. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Two month revolution." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 118-121, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  42. Maki, A., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Pena, M., Fujiwara, M., Mehler, J., and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Hemodynamic fluctuation in the neonate brain evaluated using optical topography." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 116-117, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  43. Iwata, N.K., Ugawa, Y., Watanabe, E., Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H. and Kanazawa, I. (2000). "Inter-hemispheric connection between bilateral hand motor areas studied with near-infrared spectroscopic mapping and transcranial magnetic stimulation." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 113-115, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  44. Izumiyama, M., Kogure, K., Kogure, T., Maki, A., Itagaki, H., Yamashita, Y., Yamamoto, T. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "NIR cinematography on speech and atypical development of the cortical function." in The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 105-112, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  45. Shiotsuka, S., Igawa, M., Koyama, K., Hirasawa, H., Takahashi, K., Ogata, S., Atsumi, Y., Tagaya, H., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Koizumi, H. and Yamamoto, R. (2000). "Activation level in visual cortex changed contingent on the frequency of pattern shift measured by 24 channel NIRSI." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., (Ed.)), 103-104, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  46. Takahashi, K., Ogata, S., Atsumi, Y., Tagaya, H., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Koizumi, H., Shiotsuka, S., Igawa, M., Koyama, K., Hirasawa, H. and Yamamoto, R. (2000). "From the editor." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 101-102, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  47. Haida, M., Shinohara, Y., Ito, Y., Yamamoto, T., Kawaguchi, F., and Koizumi, H. (2000). Brain function of an ALS patient in complete locked-in state, In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 95-97, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  48. Watanabe, E., Maki, A., Kawaguchi, F., Yamashita, Y., and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Clinical applications of NIRS functional mapping in neurosurgery." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 91-94, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  49. Ito, Y., Kennan R, Watanabe, E. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Assessment of heating effects in skin by irradiation of near-infrared laser light." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 76-79, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  50. Yamamoto Y, Kennan R, Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Ochi H, Yamamoto, T., and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Simultaneous cerebral mapping sensorimotor activation by using functional magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared optical topography, "In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 73-75, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  51. Yamamoto, T., Tanikawa Y, Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Kennan R, Yamada Y, and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Location accuracy of topographic images." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 69-72, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  52. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (2000). "Dynamic optical topography." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 61-64, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  53. Koizumi, H. (2000). "From the Editor." In The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II) (Koizumi, H., Ed.), 215-216, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  54. Yamamoto, T., Yamashita, Y., Yoshizawa, H., Maki, A., Iwata, M., Watanabe, E. and Koizumi, H. (1999). "Noninvasive measurement of language function by using optical topography." In Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 3597, 230-237, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
  55. Koizumi, H., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Ito, Y., Itagaki, H. and Kennan, R. (1999). "Higher-order brain function analysis by trans-cranial dynamic NIRS imaging." Journal of Biomedical Optics, 4(4), 403-413.
  56. Shiotsuka, S., Atsumi, Y., Ogata, S., Yamamoto, R., Igawa, M., Takahashi, K., Hirasawa, H., Koyama, K., Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H., and Toru, M. (1998). "Cerebral blood volume in the sleep measured by near-infrared spectroscopy." Psychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 52(2), 172-173.
  57. Watanabe, E., Maki, A., Kawaguchi, F., Takashiro K, Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H. and Mayanagi, Y. (1998). "Non-invasive cerebral blood volume measurement during seizures using multi-channel near infrared spectroscopic topography." J Epilepsy, 11, 335-340.
  58. Watanabe, E., Maki, A., Kawaguchi, F., Takashiro, K., Yamashita, Y., Koizumi, H. and Mayanagi, Y. (1998). "Non-invasive assessment of language dominance with near-infrared spectroscopic mapping." Neurosci Lett, 256, 49-52.
  59. Koizumi, H., Ochiai, T., Okahashi, T., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Yamamoto, T., Inagami, Y., Yoshizawa, H., Iwata, M., Omori, T. and Yasunaga, M. ((1998). "Dynamic optical topography and the real-time PDP chip: An analytical and synthetical approach to higher-order brain functions." Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 337-340.
  60. Kogure, K., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Itagaki, H., Izumiyama, M. and Koizumi, H. (1997). "Functional near-infrared spectrography (fNIR) in the neurology ward, J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 17(1), 555.
  61. Shinohara, Y., Haida, M., Shinohara, N., Kawaguchi, F., Ito, Y. and Koizumi, H.(1997). "Towards near-infrared imaging of the brain." in Optical Imaging of Brain Function and Metabolism II (Villringer, A. and Dirnagl, U., eds.) , 85-89, Plenum Press, New York.
  62. Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Ito, Y., Watanabe, E. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Human Motor Activity Using Noninvasive Optical Topography." in OSA Topics on Advances in Optical Photon Migration, 2, 357-362.
  63. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., and Koizumi, H. (1996). "A noninvasive optical topography measurement system." in OSA Topics on Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration Vol.II (Alfano, R.R. and Fujimoto, J.G., eds.), 344-347.
  64. Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Reconstructing absorber images in a three-dimensional scattering medium by using photon-path data." in OSA Topics on Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migration Vol.II (Alfano, R.R. and Fujimoto, J.G., eds.), 299-304.
  65. Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Watanabe, E. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Visualizing human motor activity by using non-invasive optical topography." Front Med Biol Eng, 7, 285-297.
  66. Watanabe, E., Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Ito, Y., and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Non-invasive functional mapping with multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopic topography in humans." Neurosci Lett, 205, 41-44.
  67. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Ito, Y., Watanabe, E., Mayanagi, Y. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Noninvasive near-infrared topography of human brain activity using intensity modulation spectroscopy." Opt Eng, 35, 1046-1049.
  68. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A. and Koizumi, H. (1996). "Near-infra-red topographic measurement system: Imaging of absorbers localized in a scattering medium." Rev Sci Instrum, 67, 730-732.
  69. Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Ito, Y., Watanabe, E., Mayanagi, Y., and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Spatial and temporal analysis of human motor activity using noninvasive NIR topography." Med Phys, 22, 1997-2005.
  70. Yamashita, Y., Maki, A., Ito, Y., Watanabe, E., Mayanagi, Y., and Koizumi, H. (1995). Noninvasive near-infrared topography of the motor cortex activity." The Trans-disciplinary Symposium on the Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (Koizumi H, ed.), 54-55, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo.
  71. Maki, A., Yamashita, Y., Ito, Y., Watanabe, E., Mayanagi, Y. and Koizumi, H. (1995). "Spatial and temporal analysis of human motor activity using noninvasive NIR topography." Med Phys, 22, 1997-2005.

Author /Editor

  1. Koizumi, H. (2001). "Developing the Brain: The Science of Learning and Education." Tokyo, Japan: JST.
  2. Koizumi, H. (2000). The Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications (II). Tokyo: Hitachi, Ltd.
  3. Koizumi, H. (1996). "Environmental Analysis and Measurement." Tokyo, Japan : JST (Japan Science & Technology Corporation)
  4. Koizumi, H. (1995). "The Frontier of Mind-Brain Science and Its Practical Applications." Tokyo : Hitachi, Ltd.


  1. Kawashima, R. & Koizumi, H. (Eds.) (2003). "Learning Therapy." Sendai, Japan: Tohoku University Press.

Section/chapter contributions

  1. Koizumi, H. (2012). "Brain-Science and Education in Japan." In S. Della Sala & M. Anderson (Eds.), Neuroscience in Education, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  2. Koizumi, H. (2010) "Towards a new education philosophy." In M. Suarez-Orozco & C. Bajaj (Eds.), Educating the whole child in the whole world, New York, NY: New York University Press.
  3. Koizumi, H. (2008) "Developing the brain: A functional imaging approach to learning and educational sciences." In A.M. Battro, K.W. Fischer, P. Lena (Eds.), Educated Brain, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4. Koizumi, H. (2007). "A New Science of Humanity: A trial for the integration of Natural Sciences and the Humanities towards Human Security and Well-being." In M.S. Sorondo, (Ed.), What is our real knowledge about human being?, Vatican: Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
  5. Koizumi, H. (1995). "Encyclopedia of Analytical Science." London: Academic Press Co.

Awards & Recognitions

FY2012 Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ) Award
Foreign Member, The Chinese Academy of Engineering
Honorable Member, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
Member, The Engineering Academy of Japan
Member, The Science Council of Japan
Japan Spectroscopical Society Award: For the application of near-infrared spectroscopy to brain function science
Fellow, Chemical Society of Japan
National Commendation for Invention: Patent Promotion for the 21st Century Prize [Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation (JIII)]
Nikkei BP Technology Awards - Grand Prize: Development of Optical Topography and its practical applications for the measurement of brain functions [Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.]
50th Okochi Memorial Grand Technology Prize: Development of optical topography and its practical applications [Okochi Memorial Foundation]
Local Commendation for Invention of Kanto - The Invention Encouragement Prize of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Sonic spray ionization mass spectrometry [JIII]"
R&D 100 Award: The Optical Topography® System, ETG-100 [R&D Magazine]
46th Okochi Memorial Technology Prize: Development of the sonic spray ionization mass spectrometry and its practical applications [Okochi Memorial Foundation]
58th Noteworthy Invention Prize: Mass spectrometry and ion source [Science and Technology Agency (STA)]
SICE Technology Prize: Development of non-invasive brain function imaging technique using near-infra-red light [The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan (SICE)]
JAMIT MIT Paper Award: Human brain function imaging during imagined movement using high-speed MRI [Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology (JAMIT)]
JSMBE Awards - Kagaku Shinbun Prize [New Technology Development): Imaging of the human somato-sensory area using high-speed MRI [Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE)]
12th JAMIT Encouragement Prize: Human brain function imaging with high-speed MRI [JAMIT]
SICE Technology Prize: Development of super-conducting magnet type magnetic resonance imaging system [SICE]
Certificate of Merit, The Radiological Society of North America
Fifty best patents of Japan, Centennial Anniversary of the Patent System, Ministry of International Trade and Industry: Double beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer: Patent 1030510
National Invention Awards - The Prize of the Minister of State for Science & Technology: Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (PZAA) and its instrumentation [JIII]
IR-100 Award: Development of the polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometer [Industrial Research Magazine]
23rd Okochi Memorial Technology Prize: Development of the polarized Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry [Okochi Memorial Foundation]
Commendation by the Minister of State for Science & Technology - Person of scientific and technological research merit: Research on atomic absorption spectrometry using the Zeeman effect [Science & Technology Agency, Japan (STA)]

Society & Institutional Affiliations & Activities

2012.04 - present
BoD, Foundation Advanced Technology Institute
2011.04 - present
BoD, Engineering Academy of Japan (EAJ) & Chair of EAJ Committee on International Affairs
2011.04 - present
Member, Science Council of Japan
2010.04 - present
Board Member (2nd term), Administrative Council, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2009.04 - present
Board Member, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), University of Tokyo
2005.04 - present
BoD, The Global Association for the Welfare of Children
2006.03 - 2007.04
55th President, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC)
2005.03 - 2006.02
President Elect & BoD, The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry (JSAC)
2004.04 - 2007.03
BoD, The Japan Neuroscience Society
2004.10 - 2009.09
BoD Founding Member, International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES)
2004.04 - present
BoD, Working Group on Learning Therapy, Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.
2005.04 - present
BoD, The Institute of Seizon and Life Sciences
2004.04 - 2006.03
Member, Committee on Science & Technology for the Future Society, Institute of Policy Sciences
2004.01 - present
Advisor, The Ross Institute
2004.04 - present
Chairman, Preschool Education Program for Children, Sony Foundation for Education
2003.08 - 2008.03
Member, Governing Committee, Aprica Kassai, Inc.
2003.05 - present
BoD, Sony Foundation for Education
2003.04 - present
Member, Selection Committee of The Yamazaki-Teiichi Foundation for Promotion of Material Science and Technology of Japan
2002.11 - 2007.03
Member, Brain Century Promotion Conference
2002.04 - 2007.03
Member, Awards Committee, Nakayama Science Promotion Foundation
2002.04 - present
Member, Board of Trustees, The Takemi Memorial Foundation for Seizon and Life Sciences
2001.04 - 2008.03
Founding Vice President, The Japanese Society of Baby Science
1997.04 - 2000.03
BoD, Chemical Society of Japan
1987.01 - 1992.12
Member, Steering Committee, International MR Angiography Club

Invited plenary lectures at international conferences

  1. CLEO/QELS2000 (2000). "Optical topography for higher-order brain function analysis."
  2. OECD Forum 2002 (2002). "Brain & Learning Research: Why the private sector is interested in brain imaging & learning issues."
  3. The 1st Meeting of Lifelong Learning Network - OECD (2002): "Functional reorganization in damaged, aged brains.".
  4. The 400th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (2003). "Developing the Brain: an approach towards learning and educational sciences by functional imaging.".
  5. 14th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies (2004). "Developing the Brain: New and precise approaches to learning and education through brain-function imaging."
  6. 4th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (2005). "Optical topography for higher-order brain-function imaging and its practical applications."
  7. Tokyo Colloquium 2005 Education and Sustainability (2005): "Brain-science & education towards human security and well-being."
  8. Pontifical Academy of Science: What Is Our Real Knowledge About the Human Being? (2006). "A new science of humanity - A trial for the integration of natural sciences and the humanities towards human-security and well-being,"
  9. XVth Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies 2006 (2006). "Building bridges between brain-science and childcare."
  10. International Symposium TOPICAL PROBLEMS OF BIOPHOTONICS 2007 (2007). "Near infrared imaging of activities in human brain."
  11. The International Mind, Brain and Education Conference (2007), "Present and the future of brain imaging in Mind, Brain, and Education."
  12. The 6th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association (2007), "Trans-disciplinary approach in brain-science & education to solve the issues of inequality."
  13. Human Document Project, Interdisciplinary workshop 2010 (2010). "Trans‐disciplinary studies on humanity through applied brain science."
  14. International Workshop on Brain, Cognition and Learning (2012), "Brain-Science & XYZ: XYZ from the Social Science, the Humanities and the Arts."
  15. The 11th General Assembly of the members of Chinese Academy of Engineering (2012) "Engineering for Measurement & Analysis: From Atoms to the Human


Ph.D. University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science (Discovery of the Principle of polarized Zeeman atomic absorption (PZAA))
B.Sc. University of Tokyo, Department of Pure and Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Employment & Professional Activities

2017.04 - present
Emeritus Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
2009.04 - present
Visiting Researcher, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
2006.04 - 2009.03
Visiting Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
2004.04 - 2017.03
Fellow, Hitachi, Ltd.
2003.10 - 2004.04
Corporate Chief Scientist, Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd.
2003.04 - 2003.10
Senior Chief Scientist, Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
2001.04 - 2003.04
Senior Chief Scientist, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
2000.05 - 2004.04
Academic Advisor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
1999.08 - 2001.04
General Manager, Advanced Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
2002.10 - 2003.03
Visiting Lecturer, Ochanomizu University
1998.04 - 2003.03
Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, University of Tokyo
1996.10 - 1997.03
Visiting Lecturer, School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
1996.03 - 1997.03
Visiting Lecturer, School of Medicine, Hokkaido University
1995.08 - 1998.03
Visiting Researcher, Center of Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance Center, University of Tsukuba
1995.04 - 1998.03
Visiting Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience
1995.04 - 1997.03
Visiting Professor, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University
1995.04 - 1996.03
Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University
1992.08 - 1999.08
Chief Scientist, Medical Electronics Research Department, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.
1983.02 - 1992.08
Senior Engineer, Dept. of Optical Instruments, Naka Works, Hitachi, Ltd.
1979.09 - 1983.02
Engineer, Dept. of Optical Instruments, Naka Works, Hitachi, Ltd.
1977.09 - 1978.10
Guest Research Physicist (faculty), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), University of California
1976.09 - 1977.03
Guest Staff, National Bureau of Standards (NBS), US Department of Commerce
Transferred to Hitachi, Ltd. (Naka Works)
1971.07 - 1973.09
Joined Nissei Sangyo Co., Ltd. (current, Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation)

Technology & Design