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Umeshwar DAYAL, Ph.D.

Umeshwar DAYAL, Ph.D.

Corporate Chief Scientist, Hitachi, Ltd.
Senior Fellow - Information Research, and Senior Vice President, Hitachi America, Ltd.


Umeshwar DAYAL, Ph.D. is currently a Corporate Chief Scientist of Hitachi.

Dayal joined Hitachi America, Ltd. in 2013 after serving as an HP Fellow in Intelligent Information Management and Director of the Information Analytics Lab at HP Labs. At the Hitachi America R&D Division, he led work on AI/big data analytics, and collaborative creation activities with customers as the Head of the Big Data Laboratory, and later as the GM of the Silicon Valley Research Center. Dayal was appointed to his current position in April 2020, after serving as the Head of the Global Center for Social Innovation responsible for the open co-innovation of novel digital solutions. He currently leads a research program in digital technologies for the Circular Economy.

Dayal is an ACM Fellow, a recipient of the Edgar F. Codd Award from the ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD) for fundamental contributions to data management, and a Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Science. He has over 250 research publications, holds over 60 patents, and has given over 40 keynote and invited lectures at international conferences and workshops. He has served on the Steering Committees of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, and the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Data Mining, and on the Board of Trustees of the VLDB Endowment. He has served as General Chair, Program Chair, and Program Committee member of numerous international conferences, and on the Editorial Board of several journals.

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Research interests

  • AI, Data Analytics, Data Science
  • Data and Information Management
  • Industrial AI solutions
  • Business Process Optimization

Awards & Honors

10-year Most Influential Paper award from the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (A. Ganapathi, H.A. Kuno, U. Dayal, J.L. Wiener, A. Fox, M.I. Jordan, D.A. Patterson, “Predicting Multiple Metrics for Queries: Better Decision Making Enabled by Machine Learning,” 2019).
Best Paper award, SPIE International Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis, 2012 (M.C. Hao, C. Rohrdantz, H. Janetzko, D.A. Keim, U. Dayal, L. Haug, M. Hsu, “Integrating Sentiment Analysis and Term Associations with Geo-Temporal Visualizations on Customer Feedback Streams.”
10-year Best Paper award from the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases for “the most influential paper written 10 years ago,” (U. Dayal, M. Hsu, R. Ladin, “A Transactional Model for Long-Running Activities,” VLDB 2001).
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Science.
ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award (2010) “for a succession of pioneering, influential contributions in distributed heterogeneous databases, high-performance active databases, generalized transitive closure, transaction models for long-running activities, and business process discovery, among other topics.”
Fellow, Association for Computing Machinery
and many Service Awards from IEEE and ACM.

Professional Activities

Member, Steering Committee, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
Member, Steering Committee, Society of Professional Imaging Engineers (SPIE) Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis
Chairman, Board of Directors, Business Intelligence Network of the Canadian National Science and Engineering Council (NSERC)
Member, Steering Committee, Entity Relationship Conference on Conceptual Modeling
Member, Executive Committee of the IEEE Technical Committee on Electronic Commerce
Member, Editorial Board, Springer-Verlag Series on Data-Centric Systems and Applications
Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Technical Committee Bulletin on Data Engineering
Co-Chair, Industry Advisory Board, joint EU-US Semantic Web Services Committee
Member, Steering Committee, SIAM (Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics) International Conference on Data Mining
Represented HP on the Board of Directors of Hugin, a Bayesian technology company
Member, Editorial Board of VLDB Journal
Member, Editorial Board of Intl. Journal of Digital Libraries
Member, Editorial Board of Electronic Commerce World Journal
Founding Member, Board of Trustees, International Foundation for Cooperative Information Systems
Member, Board of Trustees, VLDB Endowment
Member, Editorial Board of Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems
Associate Editor, ACM Transactions on Database Systems

Academic Positions

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas-Austin
  • Member, Ph.D. Thesis Committee and External Examiner for MIT Sloan School, Stanford U., Brown U., U. of Waterloo (Canada), U. of Indiana, Concordia U. (Canada), U. of Western Ontario (Canada), Technical U. of Darmstadt (Germany), Technical U. of Munich (Germany), U. of Konstanz (Germany), and University of Technology Sydney (Australia).

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