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Research & Development

Open Innovation


The evolution of collaborative creation that R&D aims to
“Open innovation”

image:Planetary boundaries Well-being

The Hitachi Group is pursuing the acceleration of innovation through "co-creation" in order to realize an affluent society full of hope. We have established the "Collaborative Forest," a place for collaboration with various internal and external stakeholders, and developed NEXPERIENCE, a methodology for collaborative creation that systematizes design thinking methods, to integrate Hitachi's accumulated technological infrastructure and know-how with customer knowledge. Our goal is to improve social, environmental, and economic value, to grow together, and to create innovations.

Four processes of open innovation in the R&D group

image:Four processes of open innovation in the R&D group

In establishing the "Forest of Cooperative Creation," the R&D group held an outdoor workshop for 500 people, held numerous discussions on cooperative creation, and compiled an "Open Innovation Ecosystem Process. This process includes the following four phases.

Phase1:Create a social consensus, raise issues to be solved, and communicate a vision for the future.
Phase2:Generate many ideas to realize the future vision through ideathons and hackathons.
Phase3:Immediately prototype and validate generated ideas.
Phase4:Integrate various knowledge and technologies to create new value and implement it in society.

We aim to realize open innovation by rapidly rotating these four cycles and engaging in industry-academia-government collaboration in each phase.

Open innovation & co-creation sites



We combine the technological foundation and know-how accumulated by the Hitachi Group with the knowledge of our customers. We are pursuing the acceleration of innovation through "co-creation."

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