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Global Key Measures

Constructing a Digital Management Platform

To contribute to the expansion of social innovation businesses and to the realization of digital management, we aim to build a digital management platform that will be shared throughout the Hitachi Group.
Even as we expand our company scope and portfolio, this shared platform will provide information for growth and keep costs down.

We are moving forward with efforts to establish and widely distribute digital tools and solutions for business reforms and for making business more efficient.
We continue to provide support for the standardization of core operational processes and for making ongoing operations more efficient. These goals are accomplished, for example, through the sharing of case studies and knowledge and through the expansion of templates.

No. of work hours reduced through the introduction of RPA
Cumulative total through FY 2023
Calculated based on log data obtained from servers managed through the common RPA platform

Automating and enhancing work processes by utilizing digital technologies

The Hitachi Group is consolidating business efficiency through the introduction of RPA#2. We are working to establish a foundation for the collection and sharing of solutions that have been proven effective, developing guidelines to strengthen governance, running an RPA user group that brings together RPA advocates within the Hitachi Group, and sharing technical knowledge and automation examples. As a result, RPA was introduced in more than 120 departments by the end of FY 2023, reducing work hours by approximately 720,000 hours per year.

Improving business efficiency through data visualization and analysis

The current business environment is changing more rapidly than ever before, requiring companies to make faster and more sophisticated decisions. In these circumstances, more than before, we must have more efficient access to information we can use to make decisions.
We collect and consolidate past performance and external data and provide an environment where data is more easily accessible. For example, we can calculate Scope 3 upstream CO2 emissions based on procurement performance, so we can more efficiently create external reports such as sustainability reports and integrated reports. We can also accumulate and collect data on occupational safety, hygiene, and health checkups, helping to proactively manage employee health risks and promote well-being.

DX: Digital transformation
RPA: Robotic Process Automation