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Engagement and Leadership

Stakeholder Engagement

Approach & Policy


In its commitment to promoting the Social Innovation Business, Hitachi endeavors to accurately identify the various social issues facing each country and region, and to work toward resolution of these issues through engagement in collaborative creation with a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, governments and municipalities, as well as academic and research institutions. In addition, with the goal of enhancing the value of our human capital, we work to promote for direct dialogues between the management and employees, who are an essential management resource. Furthermore, with the recent rise in ESG investment, we actively engage in dialogues with shareholders and investors as well.

Sustainability Leadership

Approach & Policy


Hitachi work with diverse global initiatives and organizations to make rules that contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and to solve social issues.

Industry Leadership and Policy Recommendations

As part of developing Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business on a global scale, Hitachi views government institutions and private bodies in each country and region of the world as important partners. Our Government & External Relations Group leads our efforts to strengthen ties with these bodies. We collaborate with business locations worldwide to develop mutual relationships with local communities, working with governments and international organizations in each country. At the same time, the Group seeks new business opportunities for Hitachi, creating value based on the various regional social issues and policies.
More frequently, governments are asking for our opinions. We also contribute to building better societies by making requests directly and proposing solutions through discussions in economic organizations and industrial bodies.

Participation in Government Councils / Business and Industry Associations

Council / Group Participant Activities
Panel Discussion regarding Infrastructure System International Expansion Strategy 2025 (Cabinet Secretariat of Japan) Executive Chairman Toshiaki Higashihara
(attended as a private sector member)
Proposals regarding appropriate concrete measures to be taken based on the Japanese government's Infrastructure System International Expansion Strategy 2025
Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) Executive Chairman Toshiaki Higashihara
(attended as the Vice Chair)
Disseminating opinions on important issues such as digital transformation (DX) and green transformation (GX) to accelerate Keidanren's efforts under the theme of "Society 5.0 for SDGs" and to establish sustainable capitalism
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) President & CEO Keiji Kojima
(attended as the Chairman)
Examining and making proposals on the promotion of digital technology, data use, and market creation under the mission to achieve Society 5.0
Offering insights into paradigms of international legislation, agreements, and standards to develop digital trade and strengthen international competitiveness
Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA) Vice President Kenji Urase
(attended as the Director)
Promoting the sustainable development of electrical manufacturing by submitting opinions on various governmental and administrative policies and promoting product safety awareness, international standardization and compatibility evaluation, statistical research work, and the development of human capital for STEM fields
Japan Machinery Federation (JMF) Executive Chairman Toshiaki Higashihara
(attended as the Chairman)
Providing opinions to the Diet and the government, conducting surveys and research on the machinery industry, and promoting international standardization activities for the comprehensive progress and development of the machinery industry
World Economic Forum Executive Officers centered on Executive Chairman Toshiaki Higashihara and President & CEO Keiji Kojima Contributing to improve world affairs through discussions toward solving global, regional, and industrial challenges by cooperating with leaders from economics, politics, and academia participating in the forum. Signing an open letter calling for commitment to net zero, shared globally ahead of COP28, as a member of the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders
Japan-U.S. Business Council Executive Chairman Toshiaki Higashihara
(attended as an Executive Committee member)
Exchanging opinions and proposing policies regarding various issues with Japan-U.S. economic relations from the point of view of the Japan-U.S. business community as a whole
National Association of Manufacturers Hitachi Corporate Office in Washington DC Lobbying and making policy proposals, as the largest association of manufacturers in the United States, to support the international competitiveness of member corporations
Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) Hitachi Europe Government Relations Office Making policy proposals to contribute to the further development of EU-Japan relations and the EU economy as the body representing Japanese corporations in the EU

Efforts in International Standardization Activities

Hitachi considers international standardization as an activity to define the international rules necessary for achieving sustainable societies. Hitachi also recognizes that international standards are stipulated specifications or criteria endorsed by members representing specialized fields and diverse stakeholders through fair discussion and international agreement.
Therefore, Hitachi strives to solve social issues from a global perspective, engages in collaborative creation with a diverse range of stakeholders, including national and regional governments, academic and research institutions, corporations, NGOs and NPOs, and users around the world to create new social norms (rules), and contribute to sustainable societies through our Social Innovation Business.
Hitachi believes international standardization is as important as R&D and intellectual property. Hitachi participates actively in standardization activities at international standardization organizations that include IEC*1, ISO*2, and ITU-T*3. Hitachi also participates in consortia established in various regions and industrial fields around the world.
For example, Hitachi is engaged in international standardization activities in various fields including efforts concerning the circular economy (ISO/TC*4 323), the environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems (IEC/TC111), smart community infrastructures (ISO/TC 268/SC*5 1), and unmanned aircraft systems (ISO/TC 20/SC 16). In addition to the subjects around which there are already debate and established technical committees within international standard organizations, we also give attention to subjects that still require a space for international discussion and the creation of an international consensus going forward. For example, ISO/IWA 39*6 was finalized in fiscal 2021, and Hitachi is working to create opportunities for various stakeholders to hold concrete discussions and come to an international consensus based on the conclusions of this agreement, in the aim of achieving Society 5.0 (an initiative led by the Japanese government that aims to build a human-centered and sustainable society).
Providing solutions consistent with international standards through these international standardization activities, Hitachi supports the sound development of global markets and facilitate innovation to resolve social issues.

*1 IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission. An international organization composed of member countries and regions.

*2 ISO: International Organization for Standardization. An international organization composed of member countries and regions.

*3 ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector. A specialized agency of the United Nations.

*4 TC: Technical Committee

*5 SC: Subcommittee

*6 IWA: International Workshop Agreement, an ISO deliverable. ISO/IWA 39 provides gap analysis for standardization on sustainable human-centered societies enabled with cyber physical systems.

Participation in International Standardization Activities

An employee member of the Hitachi team has been serving as a member of the SMB*, an upper-level committee supervising the IEC’s standardization activities, since January 2023. Our employees can also be found in other key international positions, including chairpersons, secretaries, and committee managers to various bodies, and participate in a variety of technical committees within international standardization organizations. In recognition for these contributions to international standardization activities, two Hitachi employees received the IEC’s 1906 Award and one employee received an Excellence Award from the ISO in 2023.

*SMB: Standardization Management Board. Fifteen members are appointed from IEC member countries. Seven members are elected by the standing member countries and eight by general election.

Structure for Promoting International Standardization Activities at Hitachi

The Hitachi Group Standardization Committee has been established to engage with international standardization activities involving groupwide cooperation. The Steering Committee*1 for the Standardization Committee selects areas for Hitachi to prioritize over the medium to long term. Each working group engages in detailed discussions and strategic activities toward international standardization.
The Hitachi Group Standardization Committee is also working to develop human resources who will promote international standardization activities. This includes incorporating international standardization into our training programs for developing business leaders and running an internal awards program to recognize those who have made contributions through their work for international standardization.

*1 Steering Committee: Headed by the executive officer overseeing R&D, this entity includes chief technology officers of Hitachi business units and key Group companies. The committee is responsible for decisions on cross-departmental and companywide standardization projects.

Hitachi Group Standardization Committee

figure : Hitachi Group Standardization Committee

Main Initiatives and Groups Hitachi Is Involved with

Based on its corporate mission of “contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products,” Hitachi promotes its Social Innovation Business with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society. As part of this, to play its proper role as a global corporation, Hitachi actively participates in international initiatives and groups addressing social issues on a global scale.

Initiative or Group Activities
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Became a participant in 2009.
Joined workshops organized by the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) on ten different topics in fiscal 2022, including ESG, SDGs, and WEPs (the Women’s Empowerment Principles)
logo : United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Became a member in 1995
Adopted SOS 1.5 project in 2020
logo : World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) Became a member in 2007 and has participated in the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) since 2016 logo : Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)
World Economic Forum Participated in Davos Forum since 2014
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Announced support for TCFD in 2018 and disclosed climate- related information based on the TCFD recommendations logo : Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) Became a member in 2018
Joined the JCI Race to Zero Circle established in 2021
logo : Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Obtained accreditation of “Targets for 1.5℃ (medium-term targets)” in 2020 logo : The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
Business Ambition for 1.5℃ Became a member in 2020, along with SBT1.5°C certification logo : Business Ambition for 1.5℃
Race To Zero Campaign Joined in 2020, along with Business Ambition for 1.5°C commitment logo : Race To Zero Campaign
The Valuable 500 Became a member in 2021 logo : The Valuable 500
ESG Disclosure Study Group (EDSG) Participated as a founder and start-up member since 2020 logo : ESG Disclosure Study Group (EDSG)