SUZUKI Tomoko, Ph.D. (Eng.)
Corporate Chief Researcher,
Hitachi, Ltd.
Tomoko SUZUKI joined Hitachi Research Laboratory in 1992 after completing her master’s degree of environmental resources at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. In Hitachi, she has been engaged in research activities for the effective use of resources and environmental conservation, such as high-efficiency waste power generation system, steam methane reforming system and coal-fired power generation system with CO2 recovery.
In 2005-2006, Suzuki was in charge of developing ballast water treatment system for ships and associated water treatment system for oil fields at the New Business Creation Division in headquarters. She was involved in joint development with a shipbuilding company and launching an offshore demonstration test using an LPG carrier. As results, she received the Environmental Award in 2008 from the Hitachi Environmental Foundation and also contributed to the type approval of the International Maritime Organization for the first time in Japan.
In 2018-2019, she promoted new businesses creation through co-creation with customers by utilizing her expertise and experience of system engineering cultivated through research activities as the General Manager of Business Enginering Center under Center for Social Innovation.
Since 2020, She leads the formulation of R&D strategies for susutainability as the current Chief Researcher of R&D Group.
Suzuki received her doctoral degree from Hokkaido University in 2008. She is a member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society for Chemical Engineers.